Nature >>


The Wizard of Awe
An acre of america backyard nature series

You don’t need to travel to the Galapagos Islands, Hawaii, Australia, or the Amazon jungle to witness nature’s magic wand as it dances with creatures that seem to be out of this world, and plants that spawned science fiction movies. More…


Over the Hummingbird’s Rainbow
An acre of america backyard nature series

A hummingbird’s world is far more intriguing than just watching a hummingbird as it hovers at a feeder. Their lives are intertwined with others in surprising ways. It’s a world of bright colors, unexpected predators, human intervention, and a myriad of plants, animals and insects. More…


King of the Forest
An acre of america backyard nature series

Caterpillars that can shoot a stream of acid and hit a bull’s-eye, insects that carry their own multi-purpose hunting knife, spiders that drift on the wind for miles dangling from silken parachutes, and wasps that smuggle their babies into another wasp’s nursery, all possess tactics that help guarantee the survival of their species. More…