- The LITE Train that Saved the Day
Once upon a time, Mr. Bigman the Engineer invested in a little stock car named JDSU. It was just a caboose at $3.91 per share, and having been such a good little caboose in flippers past, Mr. Bigman bought 702 … - Declutter Your House by the Square Foot
I’d been on a mission to declutter the house, to get rid of everything we didn’t use that wasn’t nailed down. It was a daunting task, but I’d turned it into a manageable task by tackling it one item at … - Declutter Your House the Easy Way
Having a sheriff traipse through your house with eyes on EVERYTHING is like somebody shining a spotlight through a magnifying glass onto a pimple. Suddenly, you see every embarrassment that you’ve hidden away, every secret stash of unmentionables. But sheriffs … - Installing OSX Snow Leopard on a 2012 Mac Pro 5,1 Computer
Yes, you can install Macintosh OS X Snow Leopard on a 2012, Mac Pro 5,1 silver tower desktop computer. Websites that tell you otherwise are not wholly wrong, they just don’t have all the facts. Let me begin by saying … - Freebie Recycle
Got a bunch of rocks in your yard you want out of the way? How about that broken down old computer? Ready to clean out the attic or garage? There’s an EASY way to recycle your old junk. Recycling has … - The Perils of Procrastination
We all do it. We put things off and sometimes years can go by and we still haven’t done the deed. We figure the thing will always be there when we get to it. The trouble is that’s not always … - Tough Decisions and How to Make Them
Struggling with a choice or decision can be very difficult especially when it involves your business. I had just completed a major goal and it was time to decide which goal I would tackle next. There were many possibilities and … - Worthless Real Estate Agreements
The real estate closing table — that place where broken deals lie scattered like carcasses in a vulture’s den. Many a deal has fallen apart at the closing table. Many a buyer has had to ante up more money than … - Make the Time to Draft Your Last Will and Testament
We all know what a will is, but in writing this post one thing jumped out at me – the word “will” itself. Will is an odd word for depicting one’s last wishes for their worldly goods. Perhaps it denotes … - 3 Simple Concepts to Grow Your Business
If you want to grow your business, there are three simple concepts that will propel you toward success: set action goals and success goals, reward yourself, and follow the money. While it may sound cliche, it really does work. SET …