Pay It Forward

  • A Slingshot in Heaven
    My built-in antennae went up. There was a secret, a big one. My parents were whispering together at the front window. My Mom, her forehead creased with worry and Dad with an angry frown were huddled together in frantic conversation. …
  • The Neighborhood Bullies
    I was on my knees crying, candy scattered all around me while the Crewboys laughed. Every time I tried to get up they pushed me to the ground again. I was surrounded. Four boys and a girl had me pinned …
  • The Hidey-Hole Secret Room for Kids
    It was a glorious summer day with the sun shining brightly in a clear, blue sky. My cousin Abby and I were playing in a creek bed. We were six years old. The trickle of water that flowed gently over …