- Po… po… po…
Po… po… po… Poor revelers on a Saturday night, gazing out the windows, Poring over the weatherman’s writing, doom and gloom, oh woe! Pouring rain over Georgia, with thunder and lightning aglow, Poe couldn’t have done better, nor Hitchcock’s creepy … - Baba Vanga — the Bulgarian Nostradamus
Have you ever wondered what it was like to live in the sphere of Nostradamus when he was still alive? To be in the same room with a man who could see into the future? Well just ask the Bulgarians, … - Woolly Bear Caterpillar Predicts End of the World
The end of days, Ragnarök, Armageddon, the apocalypse… we’ve all heard the predictions of a catastrophic end-of-the-world scenario, or at least the end of the world as we know it. The biblical Book of Revelation predicted it. The Mayan Calendar … - Ominous Splashing in the Lake on a Dark and Creepy Night
I let the dogs out for their nighttime potty and went out onto the back deck to look up at the stars. It was a week before Thanksgiving and cold weather was reaching its fingers out for a touch, but … - Score One for Cecil the Lion
Ever since the news broke regarding the horrific murder of Cecil the lion, I’ve been following this story closely, because just for once, I’d really like to see a poacher brought to justice. This time, it might actually count for … - Cecil the Lion is Dead — Justice for Cecil
Last night, I sobbed as if the world were coming to an end, and indeed, for me it was. I laid in bed and closed my eyes, but my thoughts were so full of disbelief, anger, disgust, sorrow, outrage, grief, … - Are Robins Really the Harbinger of Spring?
I’d always heard that seeing a red-breasted robin signaled the beginning of spring weather. I never gave it much thought except to say the magic words when I saw the first red-breasted robin of the year: “I see a robin! … - Do Pets Remember Being Abducted by Aliens?
This is probably the weirdest blog post I’ve written to date, and I am writing it in all seriousness. Our dog Dakota was sound asleep and actively dreaming, loudly yipping with her feet paddling as if she were running a … - The Whimsical Wait for a Colorful Spring
Today is a whimsical day. Looking out at the rare Georgia snow, I am ready for the mellow days of Spring. My sweatpants are neon zebra-striped fuzzies in lime green, hot pink, lemon yellow, royal blue, black, white, and psychedelic … - How About Some Political Good News?
I rarely follow the news. I have no idea what’s going on in the world unless so many people are talking about it, that the bad news enters into my sphere via word-of-mouth. Notice that I specifically said “bad news” …